March 31, 2017
Sino-Singapore Dialogue

3RD SSD ON 31 MAR 2017

Building the Maritime Silk Road in the 21st Century.

The third SMU-Stratagem Group Sino-Singapore Dialogue seeks to bring together leading scholars, government and business leaders to provide insights on China’s bilateral relations with Singapore, the Southeast Asia region, and China’s impact on the world stage.

The line-up of speakers and their presentation topics is as follows:

1) Jiao Xueli (Director, International Cooperation Center of National Development and Reform Commission)

Keynote Address

Panelists for Panel Discussion: Cooperation of maritime nations along the 21st Century Maritime Silk Road

1) Xu Liping (Head of Department of Asia-Pacific Social & Cultural Studies and Director of Center of Southeast Asian Studies, National Institute of International Strategy, Chinese Academy of Social Sciences)

2) Xing Guojun (Executive Director, International Cooperation Center of National Development and Reform Commission)

3) Gong Ting (Assistant Research Fellow, Department for American Studies, China Institute of International Studies)

4) Li Man (Vice President, COSCO Corporation (Singapore) Limited)

The panel discussion was moderated by Mr Er Kwong Wah (former Permanent Secretary of the Ministry of Education (1987-1994) and Ministry of Community Development).

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