Taking the very first flights under the vaccinated travel lane (VTL) arrangements between the Philippines and Singapore, the Pinnacle Club Secretariat visited Manila from 15 to 18 March 2022. During the trip, the Pinnacle Club Secretariat had the privilege to meet and have dinner on 17 March 2022 with old friends of the Philippines Pinnacle Club Chapter – LG (Ret’d) William K. Hotchkiss III (host), VADM (Ret’d) Eduardo Santos, GEN (Ret’d) Alexander Yano, GEN (Ret’d) Eduardo Oban, GEN (Ret’d) Emmanuel Bautista, GEN (Ret’d) Hernando Ireberri and BG (Ret’d) Rodante Joya. MG (Ret’d) Goh Yong Siang, COL (Ret’d) Goh Kong Yong and Mr Joel Tang from the Pinnacle Club Secretariat were present at the dinner.
The dinner meeting facilitated exchanges of ideas on the Club’s future plans and discussions on the latest Covid developments in the Philippines and Singapore. At the dinner, members of the Philippines Chapter also shared their experience in disaster relief efforts for the victims of Typhoon Odette in the Southern Philippines in December 2021. The relief efforts were orchestrated by the Philippines Chapter in general and LG (Ret’d) Hotchkiss in particular.
Both the Pinnacle Club Secretariat and the Philippines Chapter looked forward to the upcoming Pinnacle Club annual event that has been planned for later part of the year, to be held in Hanoi and hosted by the Vietnam Chapter. This will be the first Pinnacle Club event since the imposition of travel restrictions due to COVID-19 more than two years ago. The Philippines Chapter suggested that a symposium could be organized in conjunction with the Pinnacle Club annual event in Hanoi to share experiences and to discuss possible collaboration among the various Pinnacle Club Chapters on disaster relief efforts.
In conjunction with our founding patron President Fidel Ramos’ 94th birthday on 18 March 2022, the Pinnacle Club Secretariat on behalf of all Pinnacle Club members sent a gift to President Ramos to wish him a blessed birthday and to express our appreciation for his contributions.
The Pinnacle Club Secretariat hopes to be able to visit and meet up with friends of the other Pinnacle Club Chapters as soon as travel protocol permits. The Pinnacle Club Secretariat in the next few months will also be working with the Vietnam Chapter towards organizing the Pinnacle Club annual event in Hanoi.